I am aware of your dedication to improving lives.  This article offers you a unique opportunity to do that.  Divorcing couples and children need help.

It won’t take much for you to prepare to provide that help.

Divorce has been called one of the most traumatic experiences that anyone, adult or child, can face in this life.  How about taking just a little of your time and learning how to help them?

Ask yourself: When is help most effective?  Before the divorce?  After the divorce?

When a person is facing trauma, when is help most effective?  Before the trauma?  After the trauma?

Everyone should agree that help is most effective if it is provided at a time when it can mitigate the trauma or eliminate it altogether.  The same is true of when help must be provided in divorce.  It is most effective when it provides an alternative to the doomsday divorce court.

In the case of divorcing couples, providing help at the very moment they need it is a critical component of mitigating or eliminating the trauma of the divorce process.

You will have the opportunity to empower each couple whose lives you touch to reach a mutually beneficial outcome for themselves and to arrive at a co-parenting agreement in the best interest of their children.

It is like being kind.  It is not hard to move the needle in a positive direction when you interject kindness, or help, at the right moment.

Most of you are prepared to help couples and children after the trauma has already occurred.  That may be too late.

This is an opportunity to help couples and children to mitigate or avoid the trauma during the period when trauma is most likely to occur.

My work as a Parting Properly Divorce Mentor has been very fulfilling.

You are invited to take the training to become a mentor yourself.  There is a desperate need, and you are ideal candidates.

 Each couple you mentor will require 2 to 4 hours of your time each month.  Mentoring is conducted primarily by phone and email and it is very easy to fit mentoring into your schedule.

You will be paid $200 or more for each hour you mentor.  You decide how many couples you are willing to mentor each month.

The required training is fun and fascinating.  You will participate in four video conference sessions of two hours each and learn from a comprehensive manual.  The fee is $925.00.

After the completion of training, and with full Parting Properly support, you will be prepared to empower couples to resolve their issues, avoid the doomsday divorce court, and reach the best possible outcome.

Parting Properly has revolutionized the divorce process by taking care of all necessary filings, documents, and legalities, and replacing battling attorneys with a single professional, trained as a mentor.

Clients are grateful.  Consider the email messages I recently received:  Wife: “Thank you so much for your approach and guidance. I am confident that, with your help, we can come through this process in a loving, gentle way, that will be in the highest good for our children and us….  I am… generally staying in a good place about it all. I know we greatly need your help to resolve everything, though, as we seem unable to even have a simple conversation at the moment!  I’m grateful we have you to help navigate these waters Doug!”  Husband: “Thank you very much for your thorough, gentle, and thoughtful approach.  I think you are correct and I appreciate your appraisal….  I feel confident in working with you.”

 The Parting Properly step by step process works for both high and low conflict couples.

Parting Properly has only scratched the surface of the 160,000 California divorces each year.  There is an urgent need.  After training, you will be qualified to mentor the distressed couples living near you.

Those couples are suffering right now as they anticipate the trauma of a traditional divorce with separate combative attorneys.

Think about this: What is the downside of expanding your skills to be able to help them?  What is the downside when, at the least, the training will give you a new understanding of how to help some couples to avoid divorce and other couples and children to heal afterward?

If you do not do this, who will?

Is there anything to lose if you improve and add to your skills?  Is there anything to lose if, by so doing, you add to your income?

PLEASE call me personally to get answers to any questions.  My cell phone is (831) 207-6782.

CLICK https://partingproperlymentors.com/mentor-application/ TO RECEIVE A TRAINING APPLICATION.



 The comprehensive manual and the four training sessions cover everything necessary to prepare a trainee to become a divorce mentor.  You will also gain a new perspective on how to help couples mend their relationships and avoid divorce altogether, or how to help them move forward with their lives after the divorce.

The dates and times for each video conference training session are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  Special sessions can also be scheduled at other times, on Saturdays, and on other days, by appointment, until the requisite number of trainees have completed the training.

The sessions are independent, so training can start with any session.

After training, Parting Properly takes care of the court filings, agreement documentation, and all other logistics and legalities.  Mentors never have to deal with the divorce court.  Their job is to empower each couple to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.  See https://partingproperlymentors.com/

The mentor and Parting Properly work together to attract clients from the mentor’s designated area and the mentor, with a Parting Properly support mentor’s assistance, brings each couple step-by-step through the process.